Hi All
We have 2 titles harvested on OCLC using their Digital Collection Gateway and all worked very nicely indeed!!
All looks OK on WorldCat except for Authors where Authors and affiliation are all on the same field and not split. I tried Filed splitting from the OCOC Gateway (using “;” as split") but no luck
Do you have similar issues? Is there a way to specify what fields are harvested from OJS to OCLC?
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Hi @Nazimm,
I don’t know much about Digital Collection Gateway, but it appears to use the OAI interface to harvest content from OJS. You can explore the way OJS exposes content via OAI by browsing to your journal’s OAI endpoint and exploring that; I think you’ll see that author affiliations aren’t joined to names there, so that must be happening somewhere inside Digital Collection Gateway.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team