Dear all,
one of my colleagues came across the PKP FAQ section in the wiki. One of the questions is about open peer review and OJS. It is stated:
Does OJS support open peer review?
We’ve certainly considered this for OJS, but in the absence of a clearly successful model, we’ve stayed away from investing any time in developing something yet. Once an obviously effective method of open reviews is evident, we’ll definitely consider moving it into OJS.
For now, however, there are some steps you could take to experiment with this in OJS:
Create a new section in the journal (e.g., Open Submissions).
Enable Reader Comments.
Immediately Accept new submissions to this section, and notify author that their work has been accepted for open peer review, explain the process, and inform them that although their article will appear in the journal (as is), reader comments may require that it be revised or rejected.
Immediately create a PDF/HTML galley file and schedule to latest issue.
Monitor comments.
After a specified period of time, unschedule the article.
If comments indicate the article should be published as is, add any additional layout formatting and re-publish in the appropriate issue.
If comments indicate the article requires revisions and/or re-review, change the editorial decision and notify the author. Follow the standard OJS process from this point forward.
If comments indicate the article should not be published, change the editorial decision and notify the author. Follow the standard OJS process from this point forward.
Although this process isn’t perfect, it could allow you to start experimenting with open reviews immediately.
Is this accurate? We spent some time to figure out where readers comments could be activated and we couldn’t find it in our OJS 2.4.8 or in the OJS 3.0.2 test installation.