Hi I use the native Import/Export Plugin to mass import Articles. Now I want some Articles not to be published but still imported. I can do that with whole issue like that:
<issue identification="blub" published="true">
Can I archive this for single Articles? The only thing I found is
If an article is scheduled against a published issue, by definition it’ll be published. Alternately, if you schedule an article against an unpublished issue, it’ll be unpublished. I think you’re looking for something between the two, which OJS does’t currently support.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @Asmecher,
thank you for your help!
in an allready published issue, I can set Schedule for publication manually to To be assigned to hide a single article in this issue. Can I force this state with the Importer-XML somehow?
Best, Paf
The importer doesn’t currently support importing an article as To-Be-Assigned (though I think that would be a valid and useful option), but you could simulate it by grouping all of these “unpublished” articles under a single unpublished Issue. They would then appear together to the Editor as scheduled in an unpublished future issue.
I’m pretty confident that to-be-assigned means that the article does not yet have a published_articles database entry, which is what ties it to an issue.
This is just off the top of my head and not verified in the code, however.