OJS : how to change the submitted manuscript a few minutes after submission

Some authors are so busy, that they send some wrong manuscripts when they submit… A few minutes later, they realize and they want to change… BUT OJS do not authorize the authors to change the manuscript… What do do ? Thanks for your help. Marylène

:slight_smile: Maybe to inform them that they should take time needed to chose the right file/manuscript when submitting? Maybe also to let them know that meditation could help? :wink: Or, for any kind of problems to contact the editors and in that case to send the correct manuscript via e-mail, so that editor can upload it.

:slight_smile: Bozana

Hi, Bozana,
Where should the editor upload the new manuscript? Is this “Upload a revised Review Version”
or somewhere else?


Hi, Bozana,
Where should the editor upload the new manuscript? Is this “Upload a revised Review Version”
or somewhere else?
