Hi! I’am using OJS, is it possible to change the starting page when an author logged in? Thanks!
Hi @bozana, where can I edit the code? Thank you.
Hi @shamae_507
You will have to change this template: ojs/index.tpl at ojs-stable-2_4_5 · pkp/ojs · GitHub
and eventually also this function in the page handler (e.g. to provide additional information from the DB to the template): ojs/AuthorHandler.inc.php at ojs-stable-2_4_5 · pkp/ojs · GitHub.
Hi @bozana, My boss wants the new submissions to be the starting page. But I don’t know how will I do it. Can you help me or teach me on how will change the template? If its okay with you, coz I’m having trouble understanding the codes.
Thank you.