We are using OJS for the management of the publication workflow of our journal. So far, our journal has been accepting submissions without categorizing them. Now, we’re investigating how we could distinguish between “research articles” and “project/tool notes”. From what I read in the documentation, this should be done with “sections” in OJS. So far, so good. Only, so far, we’ve been (mis?)using sections to define journal issues, making it possible to:
- group articles for one issue in a dedicated section
- assign guest editors for special issues (sections) when needed
Yet, when sections are used to define journal issues, it becomes impossible to further categorize submissions into other sections.
I’ve been experimenting in a development environment with redefining new “proper” sections (“research article” / “project/tool note”) and using the OJS issue publication mechanism to group articles into journal issues. This goes well up to the point where I want to assign guest editors to special journal issues. In fact, I’m beginning to see why the previous “unorthodox” approach (defining issues as sections) had been adopted; indeed, if if I understand correctly, this approach had been recommended in a previous post in this forum, see https://pkp.sfu.ca/support/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2567#p41897.
So, against this background, my question is simple: how should guest editors for special issues be assigned and managed in OJS?