I was interested to know whether anyone has experience or knows of any institution that is using OJS for the purposes of submitting and examining PhD thesis?
If so I’d appreciate if you could pass on details.
We are looking at this as a possible solution to the management of thesis submissions in large graduate school and I’ve not come across anyone who is using it in this capacity.
As @ajnyga posted, it is not same content but same intent .
In this experience OJS manages assessment to grant research projects (even PhD thesis project).
In your end you would assess project research results, what would it be a interesting and innovative use of OJS.
Perhaps you wouldn’t need blind review, but it will be available if so. All workflow will be trackable and you will be able to verify submissions and dates.
Hope it helps
Israel Cefrin
Public Knowledge Project Team
Whatever changes you do please keep track on them since it can be hard to get them back after upgrade.
I always have had two folders and in one I put files before change and in another after the change.
In each of them was document filein which I explained in detail what was has been done so it is easier to applythose changes in upgraded version of OJS.
Could you share recent updates an implementation of OJS for management of PhD Thesis Submission and Examination at your graduate school. Any positive updates on this. I am looking to explore OJS for these evaluation system at the large university system.
Now a days ScholarOne (commercial) a similar platform for manuscripts submission have been used for these management at academic and research institutes.
So, Does OJS is right open source software for these management?