Hello all,
We are facing a strange problem of journal contents and menu display error in Chrome and Edge brower.
Describe the issue or problem
The menu and contents of our journal website is displayed in Nepali font by Chrome and Edge browsers; but normally in English font by Firefox browser.
The contents are not translated but only font is changed.
Even, the PKP Docs website also shows the same error of displaying text in Nepali font.
This issue is seen in some PCs but not in all. E.g. problem is in my laptop but not on my desktop.
Steps I took leading up to the issue
It is a random error affecting some PCs while others are not affected.
What application are you using?
OJS 3.3.0-4
OJS 3.4.0-5
Additional information
Screenshots added.
Any help and solution will be highly appreciated.
With best regards.