I have 4 installations of ojs on one server. It’s version 2.4.6. I have added the Navigation block in the sidebar. When I do a search in the sidebar I get below message:
“Unfortunately the OJS search service is currently offline. The technical administrator of this journal has been informed about the problem.”
My first question is that can ojs search work without staring Solr and following the steps in lucene readme file. I am asking because I found the plugin enabled just after ojs installation without doing anything.
I have installed Solr and jetty on one of my ojs instances following lucene readme file and started Solr without any problem. But I still get the same error and receive an email to admin email address.
My second question is that if installing Solr and jetty and running Solr is necessary for the search plugin to work, can I copy the lucene directory of the ojs instance I have got to the other three and run Solr on all of them?
The only thing is that while running “php rebuildSearchIndex.php -d” I get:
PHP Warning: Module 'dom' already loaded in Unknown on line 0
The given journal path "-d" could not be resolved to a journal.
and when running without -d I get:
PHP Warning: Module 'dom' already loaded in Unknown on line 0
LucenePlugin: Clearing index ... done
Indexing "Student Success Journal" error: Unfortunately the OJS search service is currently offline.
Another thing is that in generic plugin page, I can only see delete and upgrade links next to Lucene Search Plugin. There is no enable/disable/settings. Does setting “enabled” value in setting.xml to true help? I have tried that also. Didn’t help.
I’d ready appreciate your help. This is really a blocker of my work at the moment.
The Lucene plugin shouldn’t be enabled after installed (I’ve just tested this locally) and won’t work without the steps taken in plugins/generic/lucene/README. I’d suggest disabling it via the “System Plugins” interface.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thanks for your reply. There is no enable/disable option for that in generic plugin page. (please see the snapshot)
So you mean search itself should work without lucene plugin?
As part of the optimization of external search support for OJS, the PKP Technical Committee is looking for use cases and relevant experience with the Lucene/Solr plugin for OJS.
We are going to organize a meeting with all the interested parties. If you are interested in sharing requirements, user experiences and use cases, please feel free to contact me.
Hi @Dulip_Withanage,
must it be that you reply to over a dozen posts with the same message? Some of these posts are several years old (this one here is 6 years old). Wouldn’t there be a better way (e.g. collect and quote the posts and the OPs) and create a new post?
BTW: We had Lucene in action with OJS 2.4 and we tried with OJS 3.2, but memory requirements are too high, probably far beyond the 4 GB we have now, which would result in additional costs. So one question that must be answered - how much memory is needed for a multi-journal OJS installation? We just can’t try, but have to have a clear indication so that we can budget.
Hi @mpbraendle ,
Apologies for cross posting dot but I really did not want to miss any user who was in contact in the long threads of conversations.
I think questions like yours is very helpful for the conversation , although tough to answer without specifying more in detail. If you are interested in directly having a talk with the subgroup in the technical committee who are working on this, I will contact you via email directly.