I have installed file ojs-2.4.7-1.tar.gz
Then I have modified config.inc.php by adding a salt string as recommended in release notes README-2-4-7
I have applied a patch which modifies some features needed by editors of the journal I work for (see next post)
Results are just below.
It seems that everything worked find.
But I still cannot log in with my credentials not with a colleagueâs ones.
Any idea?
`------------- result ----------------------------
Code version:
Database version:
Latest version:
Database version is older than code version
Run âtools/upgrade.php upgradeâ to update
[load: upgrade.xml]
[schema: lib/pkp/xml/schema/signoff.xml]
[schema: lib/pkp/xml/schema/common.xml]
[schema: lib/pkp/xml/schema/groups.xml]
[schema: lib/pkp/xml/schema/log.xml]
[schema: lib/pkp/xml/schema/announcements.xml]
[schema: lib/pkp/xml/schema/scheduledTasks.xml]
[schema: lib/pkp/xml/schema/temporaryFiles.xml]
[schema: lib/pkp/xml/schema/metadata.xml]
[schema: lib/pkp/xml/schema/reviews.xml]
[schema: lib/pkp/xml/schema/reviewForms.xml]
[schema: lib/pkp/xml/schema/controlledVocab.xml]
[schema: lib/pkp/xml/schema/submissions.xml]
[schema: lib/pkp/xml/schema/comments.xml]
[schema: lib/pkp/xml/schema/notes.xml]
[schema: lib/pkp/xml/schema/gifts.xml]
[schema: lib/pkp/xml/schema/mutex.xml]
[schema: lib/pkp/xml/schema/tombstone.xml]
[schema: lib/pkp/xml/schema/metrics.xml]
[schema: dbscripts/xml/ojs_schema.xml]
[data: dbscripts/xml/indexes.xml]
[code: Installer Installer::localizeCustomBlockSettings]
[code: Installer Installer::removeCustomIdentifierSuffixOption]
[note: docs/release-notes/README-2.4.6]
[code: Installer Installer::deleteOrphanedCompletedPayments]
[note: docs/release-notes/README-2.4.7]
[note: docs/release-notes/README-BEACON]
[code: Installer Installer::addPluginVersions]
Release Notes
OJS 2.4.6 Release Notes
GIT tag: ojs-2_4_6-0
Release date: March 17, 2015
Note: While we transition our issue management system from Bugzilla
(http://pkp.sfu.ca/bugzilla) to Github Issues
(http://www.github.com/pkp/pkp-lib/issues), this list will contain a mixture
of IDs from both systems. Bugzilla entries will be prefixed with âbzâ and
Github issues will be prefixed with âiâ.
New Features
#bz8085# Make OJS more SPF-compatible in email sending
#bz8927# Add PDF.js-based PDF viewer
#bz8966# Add support for no-reply email sender address
#bz9036# Improve body ID consistency for theming
#bz9051# Add ORCiD field to QuickSubmit plugin
#i277#: CustomBlockManager-PlugIn localised
Bug Fixes
#bz6625# Add DOI year cutoff OR Crossref XML year cutoff
#bz7846# Tracking: OJS 2.4.x de_DE (German) locale fixes
#bz8356# Enabling announcements pushes 'about' menu item onto new line
#bz8747# Fatal error: Call to a member function getId() on a non-object
#bz8777# Dataverse plugin: refactor redundant code in methods to create, update studies
#bz8859# Improve copyright affixing behavior on upgrade
#bz8898# Wrong "In submission" and "In editing" count in section editor's User Home
#bz8913# Custom Theme plugin raises fatal error in Site usage
#bz8917# usageStats FileLoader reports error status due to unset return
#bz8920# Password fields should not have a maximum length
#bz8921# Some users can't login after upgrade to OJS 2.4.5
#bz8923# Call to undefined method SectionEditorSubmission::getDatePublished() in QuickSubmitForm
#bz8926# Duracloud plugin ships with .git directory
#bz8931# Site user home is missing journal listings for users associated with no journals
#bz8932# JavaScript error in user login template with implicit auth
#bz8933# signInAsUser page presents incorrect link to All Enrolled Users
#bz8934# Fix article publication date assignment on issue publish
#bz8935# Can't get additive statistics metrics
#bz8944# Reset Password Screen has typo
#bz8948# Broken links for "submission review" and "password reset" in review remind email
#bz8953# Add legacy constants used in citation assistant
#bz8956# Use random password for Shib plugin
#bz8957# Universal Analytics site id is wrapped in Smarty literal
#bz8958# Usage Stats settings form handler contains unused/unset variables
#bz8962# UsageStats COUNTER bots file not found
#bz8964# Investigate/fix layout editor proofreading
#bz8972# COUNTER report triggers PHP error
#bz8979# Remove explicit SSLv3 configuration
#bz8981# duplicate id authorBio on article landing pages when there is more than one author (xhtml violation)
#bz8983# Remove whitespace from templates prior to header.tpl being invoked
#bz8984# duplicate id="issue" on archives page makes page fail xhtml validation
#bz8985# register page duplicate id="register" (xhtml violation)
#bz8986# PublishedArticleDAO contains non-SQL quoting
#bz8988# ojs search page xhtml violation (input elements are not self closed as they should be)
#bz8989# Search page, Searchtips: <ul> nested within <p> (xhtml violation)
#bz8990# setup step5 (5.6 journal layout): table where you assign blocks to sidebars or unselected - Not enough space to display the name of blocks.
#bz8991# Update Dataverse dataset with citation when article published
#bz8992# Overwrite files on the Dataverse side when updated in OJS
#bz8997# Support new metadata fields added to Dataverse data deposit API
#bz8999# Block plugin updates settings table several times for each pageload
#bz9016# PKP PLN plugin can't reach staging server on upgraded OJS installations
#bz9018# COUNTER report counts other file types downloads as pdf
#bz9019# Improve marcxml generated by OAI
#bz9020# Plugin installer/updater moves plugin lib folders to the PKP WAL
#bz9022# Improve WebFeed plugin's license/rights metadata
#bz9033# Setting type 'boolean' is too long (and non-standard); use 'bool'
#bz9035# Remove hardcoded "»" bullets
#bz9042# copyright_holder element is localized
#bz9047# Can't access stats & report from journals in OJS Portals before the current year
#bz9054# Exported User's XML differs from the expected ones for importation
#bz9056# Fix CrossRef multilingual behavior
#bz9057# Default usage stats loader regex can't read apache log files in combined format
#i245#: Large log messages in the FileLoader can exceed PHP's memory_limit
#i249#: Acron plugin can't process scheduled tasks xml file without a frequency defined
#i253#: ReportPlugin::report() parameter implementation is inconsistent
#i255#: Article without Section causes fatal error
#i259#: Some article orderings may drop content from Table of Contents
#i262#: Timed views report double total galleys view counts and skip it in the last report row
#i263#: ALM plugin request stats takes to much time to answer
#i265#: Hide "Online Submissions" section of About when user registration disabled
#i267#: CrossRef export may refer to wrong journal path
#i271#: Allow Dataverse plugin to connect via API token
#i273#: Web feed plugin doesn't flag Atom subtitle content as HTML
#i275#: HTML syntax errors in HTML help
#i276#: SSL redirect ignores base_url[<journal_name>]
#i280#: Problem when deleting a CustomBlock
#i282#: Dataverse plugin: remove markup from dataset metadata
#i283#: Dataverse plugin: remove Dataverse file entry from database when suppfile deleted
#i284#: Dataverse plugin: check API response for deprecation warnings
#i285#: Galley Public Identifiers
#i286#: Dataverse plugin: publish Dataverses via API
#i288#: Make author index respect TOC author omit flags
#i289#: Make Google Viewer plugin protocol-relative
#i299#: UsageStats Loader doesn't recognize server aliases
#i301#: Plugin upgrade form broken after error
#i305#: Enhancement for uploading metadata to DOAJ
#i308#: Dataverse plugin: deaccessioning not supported in API v1.1
#i309#: Authors receive duplicated emails when editors use "Send email" functionality
#i311#: Review Upgrade script "minversion" attributes for recent entries
#i313#: Refback truncates to 80 characters at edit
#i317#: Certain locale files in Objects for Review plugin are labelled en_US
#i325#: Editor email parameters in OFR plugin are incorrect
#i335#: Missing geoLocationTool raises error
#i337#: Xml web service fails when it shouldn't
#i338#: Add send notification email hook
#i339#: Remote galleys are not used for statistics
#i340#: Articles from journals not intented for public display appear in search and browse author/title list
#i351#: Update copyright dates for 2015
#i352#: Make sure Acron plugin will not hit maximum execution time
#i355#: Labeling EPUB galleys according to their mime type
#i359#: Metrics region column doesn't store correctly all region values
#i360#: Problem with announcement type setting/checking
#i366#: Journal statistics from previous years not available if no object was published
#i371#: "Sponsors" incorrect in Portugese translation
#i392#: Extend session hash field in database
#i404#: Improvements to CrossRef deposit
OJS 2.4.7 Release Notes
GIT tag: ojs-2_4_7-0
Release date: October 9, 2015
Note: While we transition our issue management system from Bugzilla
(http://pkp.sfu.ca/bugzilla) to Github Issues
(http://www.github.com/pkp/pkp-lib/issues), this list will contain a mixture
of IDs from both systems. Bugzilla entries will be prefixed with âbzâ and
Github issues will be prefixed with âiâ.
Configuration Changes
New config.inc.php parameters:
- security:salt
- security:reset_seconds
New Features
i807: Add iParadigms functionality to CrossRef plugin
i380: Implement beacon
i427: Add bulk editing tools for email templates
i685: Data Privacy Option for Statistic Plugin
i741: Make Google Analytics available at the Site level
i768: Enable webservice support for PUT
Bug Fixes
i274: Counter report includes hard-coded English
i336: COMPONENT_ROUTER_PATHINFO_MARKER request raises error in Request::getRequestedPage()
i347: Prep OJS for automated releases
i384: Issue cover settings are too locale specific
i391: Add DOI to reference export formats
i393: Fatal error calling DataObject::getLocalizedData() by reference if only non-locale specific data exists.
i417: getPublishedArticleIdsByJournal() can return unpublished objects
i428: Untranslated locale key in comment for authors emailing comments
i429: Announcements don't respect date_posted ("published") setting
i437: Strict ValidatorInSet type checking breaks subscription type creation
i443: Exclude disabled users from mass mailouts
i447: Improve WCAG / Section 508 compliance
i448: Reader fees not included in About
i449: Javascripts blocked when OJS is served through HTTPS
i451: Translate ALM plugin to Brazilian portuguese
i452: ReferralDAO may query insert ID without insert
i460: Stats can't process Issues with unique identifiers
i464: Error on favicon upload, when determining the favicon type
i465: Empty copyright holder
i472: Consider other license URL on the article page
i482: Articles from journals not intented for public display appear in search results
i486: OJS native import/export DTD: copyright_holder is multilingual
i496: Broken links on Editorial Policies page
i497: Unexpected behavior using "+" operator to append items to arrays in subclasses
i499: Call superclass when overriding methods in Form and DAO subclasses
i509: Public galley ID validation
i511: Payment description HTML support inconsistent
i521: Author signature appended to notification email when an author uploads a revision
i522: Link to current issue does not redirect to public id
i523: PDF not shown due to jQuery conflict when ALM plugin is activated
i526: Backport ContextDAO::getBySetting() to JournalDAO
i529: ISSN Validator doesn't handle 0 or X checkdigits
i534: Default theme css is overwriting default OJS general styles
i535: View report fails if stats refer to an object that's not available anymore
i536: Already Paid option missing for manual payment if waiver text not set
i540: Make search queries use GET parameters
i546: Translate plugin creates new files with default translations
i551: Months with 4 or less letters in ABNT citations are handled incorrectly
i552: Getting stats for all articles slows down access if used in a high traffic site
i557: PostgreSQL sequence re-creation on upgrade
i559: additional article author metadata
i560: fix for the single step exclusion of URNs
i563: Updates/corrections needed to ALM Plugin
i571: Avoid sending duplicate emails to multiple recipients
i574: Notification subscription (mailing list) source is confusing
i577: Display galley pubIds on abstract and indexing metadata page
i578: Add missing int casts to IssueDAO
i588: Sorting Archives list by status as Section Editor leads to DB error
i589: Problem with pagination in DOAJ plugin
i590: Get localized journal description
i634: Update PubMED XML export to include affiliation info, keywords
i653: Native import causes fatal error during Issue cleanup after failure
i680: site.tpl nest at least two <p> in journal description
i682: Set cookie request method is using the wrong cookie path sometimes
i690: force_login_ssl setting should not allow HTTPS form on HTTP page
i691: Empty "Edit Profile Form" when Administrator that is not a Journal Manager edit an user
i692: Cancelled reviews are counted as completed ones in reviewer stats
i695: Improve password hashes and reset
i702: Switching form language while registering as a new user doesn't work
i705: Payments records are not moved to target user when merging
i712: Crossref plugin scheduled task is not using the correct task interface
i715: Tweak author disambiguation scheme
i720: Submission metadata omit authors setting is not working when notifying users and including TOC
i721: Tiny MCE corrupts DOAJ XML
i722: Prevent email sending interaction with acron plugin
i724: OAI requests for nonexistent journals result in site-wide OAI URL behavior
i729: assign an id to the objects for review nav item
i730: Automatic DOI registration to DataCite
i731: missing unregistered articles URL in crossref plugin settings
i732: consider the expire parameter for the cookies
i734: Usage stats loader task doesn't warn about not being able to move files
i737: "Patch" upgrading should not be a recommended path
i745: Passwords should not be emailed
i761: Position footer hooks consistently
i764: Duplicate missing keys in translator plugin
i766: Remove "from" display name use from forced envelope sender setting
i771: Webservice requests need a bit more error checking
i774: Clear div necessary in the object for review details view
i784: Support replacing missing translation with the english text
i794: XML Writer could support Comments
i798: DOIExportDom fails to return cached objects
i799: DataCite and CrossRef scheduled tasks error e-mails
Automated Build 2-4-7.1
This automated build adds the following fixes to the base release of OJS 2.4.7:
#550: [OJS] Disabled journals exposed in site-wide OAI
#817: [OJS] lib/password_compat includes .git file in release tarball
#818: Native export fails when missing copyright holders
#819: piwik plugin doesn't play well with others
#822: Wrong URL when exporting and registering DOIs via command line
#831: Validate password reset hash via new Validation method
Starting with OJS 2.4.6-1, this software will optionally provide PKP with a
unique identifier for the installation and the OAI base URL. These are to be
used for statistics and security alert purposes only.
This feature is optional. If you do not wish to participate, you may either
uncheck the âbeaconâ option in the installation form, or for existing installs,
edit your config.inc.php configuration file and set âenable_beaconâ to Off.
Successfully upgraded to version
Code version:
Database version:
Latest version:
Your system is up-to-date
----------------------- end of result --------------`