HIYA! I found the postman api json file. very helpful to see endpoints. I get error:
"error": "user.authorization.accessDenied",
"errorMessage": "##user.authorization.accessDenied##"
I set params like real request seen in web inspector. Missing API key? I don’t see any documentation with this. Please assist.
You probably just need to wait for a fix incoming. See issue: User profile API form is broken · Issue #5831 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub
I had the same error and it stems from the api key and settings not saving. You can manually set the data in the db but you’ll need to change this to suit your install
INSERT INTO `user_settings` (`user_id`, `locale`, `setting_name`, `assoc_type`, `assoc_id`, `setting_value`, `setting_type`)
VALUES ('1', '', 'apiKeyEnabled', '0', '0', 'a:1:{s:5:"en_US";s:1:"1";}', 'object');
INSERT INTO `user_settings` (`user_id`, `locale`, `setting_name`, `assoc_type`, `assoc_id`, `setting_value`, `setting_type`)
VALUES ('1', '', 'apiKey', '0', '0', '[your key displayed on the profile API page]', 'string');
Hope this helps.