As discussed on the old forum, I’ve implemented the ability for OJS to have optional implicit authentication. That is to say that users can choose whether to authenticate with Shibboleth/SSO if they have such an account, or a local OJS account if they do not. In the past, an OJS install has been constrained to only using one of these methods, set in the site’s config.
I’ve created a pull request at pkp/pkp-lib#543 Allow implicit authentication to the be optional by davidjb · Pull Request #511 · pkp/ojs · GitHub and describe all the specific changes on GitHub.
Send any comments that way.
Hi @davidjb,
Thanks for contributing! I’ve created a issue for this: Permit optional implicit authorization · Issue #543 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub
We typically use github issues to coordinate this kind of development, since it gives us a single place to manage pull requests in multiple repositories. I’ll ask a developer to take a look at this.
Note that Shibboleth support was contributed by a third party, so we don’t have any particular experience with it internally, though I expect we’ll be working with one or two clients on this in the very near future.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team