Hi, while using OJS 3.0.2 for our journal we have came to some conclusions about system. They are mainly related to journals that are multilingual. It seems that there is no choice to pick language when you are sending email to someone, only way to change template language is ether to rewrite it (subject would stay on original language) or to change interface language. It would be nice to pick language for an message, we are using mainly English as interface language but our communication is mainly on Serbian. Another thing that is related to this is sending review request, if your interface language is English all abstracts are sent on English, you doesn’t have a choice to pick another language. Review forms also have an problem, you can translate forms only to languages that you have installed, or you can create as many forms as you want translations to have (one form for one language), problem here is that on all forms you have possibility to translate to another language, let say English, and if you don’t want that (copy paste English translation to 12+ forms), if reviewer pick English interface language (and I’m sure that it will because we are using Serbian Cyrillic) form automatically switches to English, and you don’t have it translated. Our journal accepts papers on 12+ languages and it doesn’t require abstract on English. I think that there should be an option to chose language for templates or at least to chose language for abstract. Regarding review templates, I think that it could be done in a way that you have an option when you create form to chose if template would be translated to another language (n+) or to be a single non translatable form, and when you pick it from menu when sending it to an reviewer you can eater pick non translatable form on language reviewer understand (if you create one form for one language) or you can pick form and then pick translation of it and send it to reviewer.
Hi @knjigor,
Thanks – these are all good suggestions.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hello all,
OJS 3.0.2
Some issues reported by @knjigor about revisions are of great value. The language of the profile/email sent is something that could be solved? I’m trying to follow it up, so I’d appreciate if someone could point this in the right direction.
Thank you,
Best regards
Hi @digitojs,
I don’t believe we’ve had time to work on these for the next release (OJS 3.1) – are you interested in contributing code?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
I’ll be glad to contribute as possible! I’m trying to follow this and others issues as well, and understanding how to make some changes in order to solve all the solicitations that arrive to us. Each time I have some progress or information I’ll let you know.
Thank you for your help,
Best regards
I’m interesting to contribute to the code, but if you can give me the right way to do the feature, it could be helpful.
thank you