Hi there,
The system only allows for you to email the corresponding author, but at times I have found that this is not overly efficient, especially when we are at the editing stage. Selecting more than one manually in the metadata is not an option as it only permits one. Is there a way to override this?
What version of OJS (or OMP) are you using? (Please include this in your posts.)
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
@asmecher We are using OJS3.
@asmecher Version:
Are you using the Discussions tool to contact the authors, or some other part of the system? Have you assigned the other authors to the submission using the Participants tool on the right-hand side of the workflow page?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi Alec,
I have not used the “assign other authors” on the participants tool before, but can definitely do that for some submissions that have identified to me that specific authors need to be included. However, I do find that sometimes I don’t know who I should be communicating with at various times so emailing all authors at all times helps with that. This process would not work for me for all submissions because we have a very high volume of articles. OJS2 emailed all authors automatically which was handy. The pop up window where I can select the editor and corresponding author would be a great place to have all authors automatically appear, so that whomever needs to be on the correspondence can be selected.
Thanks though for the work around for this.