OJS 3: wisywig not swhowing correctly on Description of journal

I metioned this issue here Buttons in some Tinymce forms missing in OJS 3.2 and @asmecher thankfully pointed me to this thread.

I have installed the plugin and configured it as shown in the screenshot. For individual journals it’s working now, but it’s still a bit mixed up. I can insert tables in the “Journal Summary” but not in “Editoral Team” because “Editorial team” can’t be configured at all via the plugin. On the other hand I still can’t insert lists or blockqoutes in the “Journal Summary”, which I can’t do in “Editoral team”. Why the difference?


Another issue: In the website settings I can’t configure the plugin


So, it’s still not possible to edit the source code for the website footer

Is it possible to configuere the “text editor extras” plugin on site level, too?