The element Extended textbox is allowing to enter only 120 symbols, which is strange I had no problem entering big text in the exctended box in OJS2?
Hi @vebaev,
I’ve relaxed the limitation – you’ll need to apply this commit in the lib/pkp
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Can I just change
maxlength=“10000” ?
Hi @vebaev,
Yes, off the top of my head that would be sufficient.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi, @asmecher
I wanted to edit the files you pointed but cannot find them?
are the files in OJS 3 are in the paths:
Hi @asmecher,
Yes with you code revisions the limitations are ok , I just wander why all entries in the Reviewer forms at the end in emails shows combined as single text with no new lines which is hard to read?
Another question relevant to the topic (reviewer forms) , is it possible the Exctended box entries to look enhansed like this:
Missing new lines are probably because of the difference between Linux and Windows: Linux uses only \n
and Windows uses \r\n
Are you using notepad or something else that doesn’t support Linux new lines?
What notepad ?! this is all in the OJS 3 web-system, not related to desktop applications?
Ah I thought you were looking the files with an editor, my bad. Then I got no clue
Hi, @asmecher
any comment on the issue?
would you please now explain to me which file strictly I have to modify to fix lenght of review? I see a lot of folders in lib/pkp folder, where I should go?
Hi @novikoffav,
The specific subdirectory and filename for each change in the patch linked above is specified at the top of each section.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi, @asmecher
I have spoted again some disturbing issues with the reviewers forms when I just send the filled form to one of the authors:
- The real name of the reviewer is written when i insert the reviewer comments instead of Reviewer A, making the revire not blind!
- All entries that are marked not to be included for the authors are still present
- Despite fixing the issue from the upgrade with old alowed_html which fixed the formatting, in the insterted reviewer comments at the email decision all entries are mixed in one line. Here is example:
Vesselin Pantov
The manuscript is appropriate for the journal? : 4 The manuscript is presenting a new information? : 5 (best) The manuscript has scientific and public contribution? : 4 The manuscript is written in good English language and grammar? : 2 Do manuscript sections comply with journal instructions for the contributors? : 4 Are figures, pictures, tables sufficient to properly illustrate the research described? : 4 Is the list of references up to date, properly formatted and adequate? : 4 Reviewer comments - Title and abstract. : no comment Reviewer comments - Introduction. : Introduction is OK (English could be improved) Reviewer comments - Materials and Methods.: see reviewer’s comments file Reviewer comments - Results.: see reviewer’s comments file Reviewer comments - Discussion.: Discussion is OK (English could be improved) Reviewer comments - References.: References are OK -----------
I really need some help or advice on the points above?
Hi @vebaev,
For the reviewer being named in the imported text, are you sure you chose an appropriately blinded review? When assigning the review to the reviewer you can select what kind of review you want (open, blind, double-blind).
For the formatting of review forms imported into the email, try applying this patch:
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I am using OJS and also noticed that Review form elements that have unchecked “Included in message to author” are still included in the e-mail for Author. I checked that in database, in the table review_form_elements in the “include” columnt those elements have 0 as it should be. Seems like this is not taken into account.
Hi @intools,
I would suggest upgrading – OJS 3.0.1-0 is now quite old. Next time, it’s better to start a new thread rather than re-opening an old one, unless your issue is exactly the same as the original post.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Dear @asmecher
Is there a possibility to export a review form feedback ?
Any timely help / suggestion will be highly appreciated.
Hi @Farhan_Abbas,
That’s filed for attention here: Add custom review forms to reviews report · Issue #2051 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub
However, at the moment it hasn’t been implemented yet.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team