Hi, I have been working along the editorial process (OJS 3) and have a observation from the author’s perspective. When the author is required to provide a revised copy (after peer review) they will receive an email and notification which is great.
Once the author has uploaded the revised document under ‘revisions - upload review file - confirm’ and have clicked ‘complete’ the new revised file appears in the box but then the author is ‘left hanging’ - there’s no save/complete/ inform editor button or notification sent to finish off the session and from my observations the author/user is left wondering what to do next/ did it work? It’s likely (from my experience) that they’ll then try to contact the editor out of OJS to find out if it worked.
I was wondering if it was possible to include a notification to confirm to the author that their submission was received after submitting the revised file? I know the upload submission box tells them so (but users seem to want final confirmation it worked - if that makes sense?)