OJS 3: No DOIs generated

The articles we import have no DOIs yet. We will registering them with the datacite-plugin, but i haven’t done it yet. I tested the import workaround and it worked. I have an excel/csv table with all the bibliographic data that i convert to the OJS native xml import format. The OJS DOI standard pattern is mostly fixed text (prefix, journalinitials). The volume, issue, year and OJS-ID are variables. But execept for the latter one everything is already in my spreadsheet. The OJS-ID is generated while importing. It’s just a running number for each article, but used for all journals (in case you have more than one journal on your plattform). So you can check for the next available numer in the submission sections of all your journals and then you can generate to DOI before importing and they will be consistent.

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We’re using OJS 3.0.2 and will be publishing our first issues through OJS later this year. Is the DOI plugin now functional for OJS 3, or will we need to input DOIs manually? (We will be upgrading to 3.1 whenever it is available.) Thank you.

I don’t know if i get you right, but I think ot depends on you DOI scheme settings. Check you DO plugin settings: If you are using the default pattern or some customized pattern e.g. with the internal OJS-ID at the end, the DOI can easily created when publishing an article. Only if you use the option “Enter an individual DOI suffix for each published item.”, then you have to create the DOI “intelectually”.

We for example use s custom pattern with “ko.%Y.%a” for the articles in one of our journals. When the editors decide to publish an article in the sumission workflow they click on the menu “Metadata → Identifiers” and then they can assign the DOI to the article (ins OJS 3.0.2). The value of the DOI is then generated automatically based on the setting in the DOI plugin. They cannot change it. The registering via Datacite also happens automatically with the appropriate settings in the datacite plugin.

Hello all,

Our journal running OJS and got some error like in picture when click submit button to deposit the doi article.


Submission was not successful! The DOI registration server returned an error: '1 - HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 
Content-Type: application/json 
Vary: Accept 
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * 
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: X-Requested-With 
Content-Length: 174 
Server: http-kit 
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2017 04:31:34 GMT 
X-Rate-Limit-Limit: 50 
X-Rate-Limit-Interval: 1s 
Connection: close 

[:status :failed][:message-type :entity-parsing-failure][:message {:exception "java.lang.RuntimeException: Error, don't know how to build a doc out of 'null' of class null"}]'.

The error coming out today when i trying to deposit another doi article. Its work perfectly yesterday.

Thank a lot for helping me.

Best regards

The problem solved. Error coming from our server (disk space).

Thank for all.

Best Regards,

can someone tell me that how to change doi this format http://dx.doi.org/10. and convert into new format https://doi. org/10 . i m using ojs 3.0.1.

please update soon …waiting for reply

Hi @Aqsa_Yousif

Depending what exactly you need… maybe this would be the place to change it: ojs/DOIPubIdPlugin.inc.php at ojs-3_0_1-0 · pkp/ojs · GitHub.

Note that there are newer OJS versions that contain many further improvements…


Dear Bozana,

first of all thank you so much for ur response. i will try it still if
problem occurs i will let u know.

Kind regards,

Dear Bozana,

bundle of thanks it really works. i have facing one more problem in
XML Export Plugin, ojs 3.0.1 as shown in attachment , it says

" Plugin requirements not metThe plugin is not fully set up. "

how i export my xml . kindly update me about this

Hi @Aqsa_Yousif

You would need to set up the DOI Plugin (the link is provided on that page). Also you need to enter at least the required form fields on that page i.e. depositor name and email.


Dear Bozana,

i have filled those field that are provided on that page but still facing
same problem. please help

Ah, sorry @Aqsa_Yousif, I’ve forgotten to mention to more requirements: You need to enter the publisher and either online or print ISSN under Settings > Journal. Also, in the DOI plugin you have to select “Articles” as object that a DOI should be assigned to.
Sorry… :-\

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Dear Bozana ,

Issue is resolve upto 50 % . its really ok. as far the concern of publisher
and online or print ISSN, i have already filled these fields but i am not
able to submit the article becoz submit button is missing. what to do next
please guide me

after few minutes submit button is there , now i am submitting the article
and i found error. please guide me

Validation errors:

Failed to locate the main schema resource at ’
Invalid XML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

Hi @Aqsa_Yousif

The “Submit” button appears only if you have entered your Crossref credentials (username and password) – meaning that you would like to register/deposit DOIs from within OJS, and not manually.

The Crossref XML schema moved to another URL, s. this GitHub Issue: Crossref 4.3.6 schema URL changed · Issue #2258 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub. Thus, you would need to apply the changes for the files plugins/importexport/crossref/CrossrefExportDeployment.inc.php and plugins/importexport/crossref/filter/filterConfig.xml, as well execute the SQL:
UPDATE filter_groups SET output_type = 'xml::schema(https://www.crossref.org/schemas/crossref4.3.6.xsd)' WHERE output_type = 'xml::schema(http://www.crossref.org/schema/deposit/crossref4.3.6.xsd)'
from this patch: pkp/pkp-lib#2258 crossref schema url update · pkp/ojs@4635d7b · GitHub.
The patch is actually provided for the OJS version 3.0.2, so I do not know if it can be automatically applied to your OJS version.

As I said, you should update to the new OJS version… – a lot of bugs have been fixed and functions improved since 3.0.1…


Dear Bozana ,

i have done all three steps still facing same error
Validation errors:

Failed to locate the main schema resource at ’

Hi @Aqsa_Yousif

Hmmm… do you have allow_url_fopen enabled in your php.ini? – S. discussion here: [OJS] 3.0.0 schemaValidate, proxy settings and allow_url_fopen · Issue #1955 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub :

…we use schemas URLs, so the schemaValidate uses fopen to get the schema. If allow_url_fopen is disabled, this will not work…


Hello Bozana,

dont find this article . please guide me what to do

Hi @Aqsa_Yousif

There is a php.ini file somewhere on the server – it depends on the server environment and configuration. On my linux it is for example here: /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini.
Maybe you can ask a system admin or a service provider or someone to help you?

There, in that php.ini file, which is the PHP configuration file, there is a configuration option for “allow_url_fopen” that should be “On”:
allow_url_fopen = On

Or, if you upgrade to the recent OJS version, there would be a possibility for you to deselect the validation – in that case your XML files would be send to Crossref without any validation. Or, you could also download the XML file and try to validate it somehow differently e.g. here crossref.org : metadata quality check, before you send it to Crossref without validation.
In case a validation error occurs, you would hear from Crossref.

(I assume you do not use any proxy? – in that case the validation will also not work, as said in that issue above… s. also this issue for that: pkp-lib/classes/xslt/XMLTypeDescription.inc.php Doesn't work when behind HTTP proxy · Issue #3391 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub)


dear ,

i dont find any php.ini file. and unable to upgrade*i have to face alot of error in updating a sytem as i have noticed this thing. *

please guide or help me