We have a 2 languages journal (English and Persian). For each article OJS 3.1 automatically get both English and Second language (here is Persian) field for abstract, title, keywords and … .But not for name and family name. Therefor we have problem for article details page while switching language from English to Persian all field change but not name and family name and it’s not appropriate.
Dear @asmecher I read here you told this feature is can be done but for some reasons this feature is not enabled. This is so important for languages like Persian. So I want to add this feature manually.
I understood for this purpose in `fbvFormSection` for name we have to add the feature `multilingual="true"` and also might change set and get username functions in `PKPUser.inv.php` to this:
function getUsername($locale) {
return $this->getData('username',$locale);
function setUsername($username, $locale) {
$this->setData('username', $username, $locale);
Is that true? Should I have make these changes at all.
And by the way what changes should I have make in root\templates\frontend\objects\article_details.tpl and any other file?
Dear @asmecher
Thanks for your reply. I was not available lest week to check your answer and thank you for your reply.
I checked the gitgub pull but I am not familiar with github at all. I tried to download changes of pull #3128 but I could not.
Is pull #3128 stable and I can use for my website? I also downloaded this link, but this files has not contained changes of pull #3128.
I will appreciate your help
This work has not yet been completed. There is a proposal from a contributor, but it hasn’t yet been merged into the core codebase. I would suggest waiting for a finalized official release of OJS with support for multilingual author/user names included.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Dear @asmecher
Thanks for your reply. I have tested that codes for testing on a journal for couple of days and I find some bugs , but OK I will wait for official OJS update for my main Journal.
Hope to here new update as soon as possible
Thank a lot