I installed the bookstrap3 theme packed with a number of themes, and it is the perfect theme. I use Statis Page Plugin to add an additional link on side bar. How to group the additional links on the sidebar (like the attached)?
You can create the custom blocks in the sidebar with the Custom Block Manager: As journal manager you can go to Settings > Website > Plugins > Generic Plugins. Enable the Custom Block Manager, clicking on the checkbox in the right column. Then click on the arrow at the Custom Block Manager, to extend it. There you will see a link “Manage Custom Blocks”. Use that to create a custom block – give it a title and enter the content that this block will contain i.e. your links from above. The new block should now be automatically displayed in your sidebar. If not and if you would like to position it differently, go as journal manager to Settings > Website > Appearance > Sidebar management.
Thank you for your enlightenment, now I can add a new menu in the sidebar. When I see the block menu that I have created, it does not have menu header and looks the CSS doesn’t affect to my new menu. Do I have to edit the CSS or any easy way to make it works ?
Yes, I think you will have to either define it in the CSS file (and then upload the CSS file as journal manager in Settings > Website > Appearance > Journal style sheet, or if possible use an existing CSS class.
I do not understand what exactly you would like to do – The menu items in the horizontal top navigation bar, that are yellow marked in your screenshot, are per default there.
Could you maybe explain the exact situation you have and what exactly you would like to achieve?