Since ojs 3 is coming out the end of this month. It says not to implement it into a high traffic environment. How many users a day would be defined as high traffic?
Hi @FlaminSeraphim,
I don’t have a firm number to give. The reason we suggest smaller installations at first is that much of the OJS 3.0 codebase is brand new and hasn’t yet had much performance testing. We expect there will likely be a few bottlenecks identified as we work to smooth out the kinks. We will do our best to do this quickly as we find them or as they’re identified by the community.
OJS 2.x is now a 10-year-old codebase so it’s received a lot more gradual refinement and improvement than the OJS 3.0 codebase has, so it’s not unlikely that migrating a large installation from OJS 2.x to 3.x will initially see a performance decline. Most journals/sites are not performance-limited, so they will not see any effect.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team