Hi All,
I am trying to get in leftside bar custom block the last published issue cover, but when I visit article/last issue page cover change to current issue, can you please give me any advice about how to call (inovke global var) into sidebar block to show last published issue cover.
Thanks in advise,
Cristhian Rey
Hi @Cristhian_Andres_Rey,
I presume you’re coding your own plugin; could you post it somewhere, ideally on Github.com?
I suspect what’s happening is that you’re using template variables that are also used by some other part of the system, so one of the two assignments is getting clobbered. Using unique template variable names will probably resolve it.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
Thanks for all your help, i used template variables and all is OK, this is
the first look and feel of the project:
Quedo atento a cualquier inquietud o sugerencia.
Eng. Cristhian Andres Rey Casadiego.
e-Automation Developer & IT Consultant.
Hi @Cristhian_Andres_Rey,
That looks great – excellent work! Consider posting it in the Community Showcase area of the forum.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team