Several dialog menus as More Information and Editorial history are not showing and constantly Loading… under latest version in Safari. In contrast in Firefox is ok.
Hi @vebaev,
I’d suggest checking your PHP error log and your browser’s Javascript console. (See this resource for information on the Javascript console.)
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I encountered and solved a problem exactly like this recently, so I’ll record my solution in case it helps someone. I got spinning beachballs for multiple dialogs when logged in, and also PFDs would download but not display. This occurred only in Safari (11.0.3) on my Mac Pro (10.13.3) and not in Firefox. Even more strangely, the problem did not occur in Safari for a practice journal that OJS provides, even though it was running exactly the same OJS version (3.1.0-1).
Because it looked like a javascript problem, I started to poke around in the javascript using Safari’s developer tools. I found a few lines that looked suspicious, but when I went to the server to examine the original *.js file, those lines were not present!
To cut a short story even shorter, Safari was still executing javascripts of the same names from an earlier 2.4.8 installation on the same server. Multiple page refreshes had not been enough to load the new versions. I infer that Safari has a separate cache for javascript and the rules for reloading it are different from the rules for html.
The fix is: enable the Develop menu using the Advanced tab of the preferences, then select Empty Caches from that menu. After I did that, all the problems disappeared immediately.
This seems like a Safari bug to me. I can imagine readers executing a mixture of old and new javascripts after an OJS upgrade…
We have now confirmed from several email and one phone conversation that there is a serious problem with Safari being able to “preview” PDFs published in OJS 3 sites.
Below I’m wrong in saying 2, we have 3.0
Has this perhaps been fixed in 3.1?
This was for High Sierra 10.13.6 latest version Safari version 11.1.2 2018
(tO OUR COPY EDITOR), when you get a chance, can you spend an hour or two an looking into this with your MAC and preparing instructions, perhaps screen shot or two we could put as an announcement?
I was on the phone for an hour yesterday with Renee Cardone.
It appears Safari and High Sierra won’t allow “preview” of PDFs coming from our site. I have not concluded there is nothing wrong with our PDFs. It must have something to do with the HTML5 used for OJS 2.x.
Renee said normally Safari tries to “preview” the file it downloads to the default “downloads folder”, which however, is not accessible to Adobe Reader.
Click on it in Safari, it goes to download folder and you can see it, but can’t open in, says document not compatible.
She renamed it when saving it, using the little search thing on side, test.pdf
She installed Adobe Reader and navigated to her “download folder” for Safari but Adobe can’t “see” that folder, it is clearly a folder in Safari’s installation folder.
However, Safari will download to My Documents, but still won’t open it from there in Safari Preview. We need screen shots and instructions on how to do that made available.
So the thing to do is download it to My Documents, install Adobe reader and open it with that. That works. Can you confirm?
Renee can open it on Chrome. She saved it to My documents and opened it fine. Can you confirm?
Perhaps ditto with Firefox?
Now, there is clearly a problem, and I want to report it to PKP to look into. But could you confirm the above and perhaps develop the text of a guide that we can put on Announcements as to how MAC users should proceed to read our PDFs until this compatibility issue is straightened out by PKP or Apple?
I don’t understand this. The default Safari download folder for user USER is /Users/USER/Downloads . It should have read-write permissions for USER and any stronger protection is incorrect Mac setup.
I don’t understand that either. What is “Safari’s installation folder”? If you are executing an application from inside an open disk image you should exit the application, make sure you completed the installation (usually to the Applications folder), close the disk image, then open the installed application. The only other folder that I can imagine you are talking about is something inside the Safari bundle (applications on MacOSX are actually folders), but Safari should not be storing anything in there.
For my test site (3.1.0-2), after emptying Safari’s javascript cache as described in my posting above, I have no problem previewing PDFs with the latest MacOSX and the latest Safari.
I can check if your site works for my Safari if you send me the url. There is some way to send a private message so that the whole list won’t see it.
Yes, sorry, I’m not a Mac person. All I know is that for this issue at least, many people reported the same problem. They try to open the PDFs and are told that the file isn’t compatible, but if they open it with Adobe it opens, so nothing wrong with the PDFs.
I spent an hour on the phone with one author trying to troubleshoot this.