After a bit of a mission we’ve managed to get Usage Stats working on a new OJS 3 install and so now the site admins and journal managers can view usage statistics.
However, we have a number of library managers etc. who also need to see THEIR OWN usage statistics when logged in to OJS.
I can see that we can create roles, but there doesn’t seem to be a ‘Usage Statistics’ specific role - and obviously we can’t give journal manager perms to these users.
Has anyone achieved anything like this before (I can’t believe we’re the only ones who need this) and if so how (what am I missing!?)
Alternatively, does anyone have any pointers on how we might being creating our own ‘MyOwnUsageStats’ permission that we can then use to build out a new role that these users can be given?
The next step would be to expose journal numbers to readers, authors, reviewers, etc… (how long does it take on average for a review in this publication? what is the acceptance rate of papers in this publication?)
Contextualizing these statistics for editors and reviewers would be another facet.
Can you describe more when specific statistics you would expect your users to see, and what roles these views would apply to? It would be nice to get a good specification written up for development.
There are a large number of issues for future features related to statistics. You can find the project which links to them here:
A couple of issues that might be of particular interest to you:
We don’t have any particular timeline set on these issues and it doesn’t look like any work has been done so far. It also doesn’t look like those issues talk specifically about giving library managers access to view usage stats from their own institutions. I would encourage you to add that feature request there.
It will take more than a permission to achieve this, because we don’t yet have any code that compiles and displays statistics on a per-institution basis. So that page and stats would need to be made available as well.
Thanks for the info - I think the first of those Feature Requests actually works for us, so have subscribed for now
I think I read somewhere that Counter 5 is planned as part of the OJS 3.2 release, and so I guess we’re waiting until sometime after then at the earliest before these will be implemented?