is uncommented in, and I’ve run php tools/rebuildSearchIndex.php in conjunction with rm -rf cache/_db/* to rebuild the index and clean the cache.
I’ve confirmed that I have pdftotext available and that the command runs fine when run manually.
When I enter a unique word/phrase from a PDF, I get no results. This is with an unmodified/default OJS installation.
Is there something I’m missing, or is this a known issue?
Thanks for the reply. As noted above, I ran rm -rf cache/_db/* and I just now tried deleting all the other cache components. I also tried some new terms, but still seeing No Results.
I would suggest exploring the full-text index in the database a little. Check to see that the keyword you’re searching for is in the submission_search_keyword_list table (the keyword_text column); look up the corresponding keyword_id, and look from there for the same keyword_id in the submission_search_object_keywords table. That’ll give you (using object_id) a list of entries in submission_search_objects that the keyword appear in.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Did you confirm that this command runs as the web user from the command line? Sometimes filesystem permissions mean that you can run the command, but apache or nobody or www cannot.
I was able to reproduce the problem locally and tracked it down to the use of a wrong constant – see Full-text indexing not working · Issue #2079 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub for a link to a patch (both links are equivalent, just applied to different branches). Can you apply that patch, rebuild the search index, flush the data cache, and test again?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team