OJS 3 do not respect the defined values from config.inc.php

We have setup values of date nad time formats in config. inc.php to:

; Short and long date formats
date_format_trunc = “”%d. %m."
date_format_short = “%d. %m. %Y.”
date_format_long = “%A %d. %B %Y.”
datetime_format_short = “%d. %m. %Y. %I. %M. %p”
datetime_format_long = “%A %d. %B %Y. - %I.%M.%p”
time_format = “%I. %M. %p”

But in site we still have US date formats 2016-10-05

Hi @knjigor,

Where do you see the unwanted formats displayed? (A screenshot might be useful.)

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Here is screenshot:

This is add reviewer page, if I clikk on calendar to pick date iti is changed, if I leave date intact it stay in defined format.

Hi @knjigor,

Thanks – I see that this is related to the datepicker widget we’re using for date selection. I’ve filed this for attention at Make datepicker respect date formats · Issue #1868 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Hi I tried using the ones from @knjigor, but it didnt change anything.
I hoped for a change here:
Frank J.

Hi @Frank_J,

There was one use of the publication date that didn’t specify which format was to be used, so the PHP default was taken instead. There’s a single line of code you can change at Configured date formats need to be respected in front end · Issue #2115 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub to correct this.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Thank you very much! This helped.
What I cannot find is the place for the citation settings, because the date is weird formatted there aswell.
There seem to be a settingsform in the plugin/citationformats/abnt/ but I cannot find it under plugins (I find the plugin but there is only upgrade and delete and no settings)

Best (and some peaceful holidays)
Frank J.

Hi @Frank_J,

ABNT specifies its own date format requirements, I think, so those are coded into the ABNT citation plugin and do not use the settings in config.inc.php. I think you’ll be breaking conformity with the ABNT citation format by changing these.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Is there a way to choose other citation formats for the text overview page?
Or create a new one?
Frank J.

Hi @Frank_J,

The citation formats are implemented as plugins (in plugins/citationFormats). Currently all are listed, though we’ve had some requests to permit disabling of these – the underlying reason for this is often that some formats aren’t relevant for some fields, and that the list currently takes up too much real estate. I suspect we’ll address both of these problems separately (the presentation of the list and the current inability to disable those plugins). Meanwhile, you can tweak the formats by editing the template for each plugin, and if you really want to get rid of one, you can delete the plugin entirely.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team