OJS 3 Demo Site

Hi @asmecher,
PKP use to have a demo site for OJS 3.
I was not able to find it.
Does it still exist and if so what is the URL?


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Hi @EdwardDavid,

We don’t have a formal demo set up yet but I’ll PM you a URL we’ve been using internally.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Hi @asmecher,

Could I get that URL too?

Many thanks,


It would be really useful, if you could open your demo implementation for evaluation purposes. Name it “Informal inofficial Pre-Beta-Testing Version without support, guarantees and feedback”, if you want to avoid an official character. But it would be a great help for all of us who are trying to plan our personal OJS future.

If you won’t do that, I would highly appreciate a PM with the URL, too.

Hi @CH_,

We’ll be launching an open OJS 3.0 demo sometime before the summertime release of OJS 3.0, as you describe (but perhaps with a shorter name). In the meantime, I’ll PM you a URL to our testing installation.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

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Hi @asmecher, could I get that demo URL too? thanks a lot