Hello, I have a problem when I try add a new role to a new or existent user. The system shows that change was successfully applyed, but on open the user roles, it is not changed. I am using the lastest version of OJS 3 with the dafault theme. Please someone help me!!. Thank you!
Hi @Eder_Sotto,
Could you post some screenshots that illustrate the problem step by step?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hello @asmecher, thank you for your response. The screens is following…
Editing a user
Adding new roles to an user. It seems ok, but when I open the same user, the changes on the user roles is the same of before.
The changes on the name, email, passoword is saving normally, but the changes on the roles does not save anything.
When I open the same user, the changes on the roles were not saved.
If you need an acess to my site to test, I can give it…
Thank you so much!
Hi @Eder_Sotto,
Could you PM me with temporary Journal Manager credentials?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hello @asmecher, I think that I found the problem. It seems an incompatibility problem with PHP 7. When I only made a downgrade to PHP 5.6, it turns run perfectly. Thank you again!.
Hi @Eder_Sotto,
Ah, I seem to recall fixing something like that – you should be OK to use PHP7 starting with OJS 3.0.1 (to be released in November).
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team