OJS 3.4: Journal manager account receiving new submission email - should this be happening?

Hi, I have an account with the Journal Manager role for a journal running 3.4 and it’s receiving all email about new submissions requiring editorial assignment when I don’t believe that it should.

I have checked the following:

  • User Profile Notifications - all relevant notifications turned off
  • User account - account only has Journal Manager role
  • Role - Submission tasks unchecked for Journal Manager role (this greyed out and not editable via the dashboard anyway)

Am I missing something here? Is this a 3.4 thing, or a me thing?

Thanks in advance!

Did you check Workflow Settings → Emails → New Submission? If they are the journal’s primary contact, it might be checked to notify them on new submission.

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Thank you! I was unfamiliar with that setting in 3.4 (we run most of our journals on 3.3 still).

Ack, turns out that was NOT the answer!

New submissions in a journal section that doesn’t have a default editor, will trigger an email to all journal managers that an editor needs to be assigned.

We fixed this by assigning default editors in Settings - Journal - Sections and edit each section to assign a default editor.


Hope this works for you,

Thanks @AlesKladnik but that’s not it either! Meant to put that in my original post.