[OJS] Usage statistics Bar Chart has not updated since December

Describe the issue or problem
We’ve noticed that the bar chart that shows download numbers on an article page has not updated since December. We are not entirely sure on what cycle it is supposed to update, but something seems to be going wrong. The problem seems to be platform wide (40+ journals), rather than journal specific, but I don’t know where to start searching for a solution and could not find relevant forum topics. No big changes or updates were made in December.

Steps I took leading up to the issue
For example:

  1. Go to Usage statistics display options
  2. Click on Use bar type of the chart for usage statistics display.
  3. Click on save.
  4. The bar charts show 0 downloads in January 2025 for our articles, even if there are downloads registered in the statistics overview of the journal.

What application are you using?
For example, OJS

Additional information

Update: the bar has updated for some articles with one, or two, downloads, but not close to the actual number for the month.