June 26, 2024, 11:37am
Describe the issue or problem
One of our journals uploads for files per article. The buttons for these files don’t go to a newline, as expected, but instead are all put on one line, ‘overflowing’ the room they have in the template (see the image)
The page can be viewed here .
What application are you using?
For example, OJS
Has anyone else had this problem? Has anyone found a fix, even a temporary one using a CSS stylesheet?
Hi @KayWP , in the CSS it looks like the issue is in .obj_article_details .galleys_links
, which has flex-flow: row nowrap
One option could be trying something like:
.obj_article_details .galleys_links {
flex-flow: column wrap;
…in a custom CSS file, which should create stacked buttons instead:
You can read more about the options in this flex-flow documentation if you want to try something different.
June 27, 2024, 7:50am
Thank you Kaitlin, that’s very useful and worked. Good to have a manual but manageable fix like this.