We noticed a small issue with OJS 3.3 after upgrade.
The help files are in Portugal’s Portuguese.
Is there a way to add Brazilian Portuguese?
I noticed the folders are only 2 characters for each language.
Should we create a br/ or pt_pr/ or pt-br/ ?
In order to have a translation of these files a new translation for Brazilian Portuguese would have to be contributed, as part of the OJS user guide: GitHub - pkp/ojs-user-guide: OJS User Guide
We would certainly welcome a contribution for Brazilian Portuguese were it something that you or others would be willing to contribute.
We are definitely willing to translate the help files.
How do we proceed?
Do we edit via GitHub (we don’t have direct access to GitHub on our network, and it’s a nightmare to have our IT enable it) or some other interface, or manually via shell and send you a package?
You could write the file(s) separately potentially use the web interface of github and contribute that way via a pull request. That would save you from having to manage and install Git directly on your infrastructure.