Head’s up that square brackets do not appear to be properly parsed as part of DOI when displayed in the article metadata. For example, in the attached screenshot the automatic hyperlinking for https://doi.org/10.1890/1540-9295(2004)002[0035:LEATFI]2.0.CO;2 breaks on the opening square bracket at leads to a CrossRef error page.
Let me know if/where to log this as a bug report in GitHub.
Thanks for letting us know. We’ll have a closer look and get back to you. Are you able to point us to the article in your OJS instance that contains this reference, so we could have a closer look as to how OJS is handling it?
I’ve been looking into this a little further and I’m wondering if you would be able to share a screenshot of what this looks like on the editorial worfklow side of things, behind the scenes?