[OJS 3.3.0-17] Submission Event Log

Hi, I am currently experiencing this behaviour:

I’m an editor and I “login as” the author to upload a submission or a review.
In workflow → review : activities are done by the author but in activity log are marked as done by editor.

Is this correct?

Steps I took leading up to the issue

  1. Login as editor in OJS
  2. Impersonate an user that act as author of a submission for the journal
  3. Create a new submission and upload a file or upload a file in an existing submission in the “review” step.
  4. Check names in Workflow
  5. Check names in Activity log
  6. See the differences

What application are you using?
OJS 3.3.0-17

Hi there @parallel,

Yes - currently this is the case, that activities undertaken when “logged in as” do not appear in the event log. There are efforts to improve this being done however, which are planned as part of the 3.5 release: Allow Journal Managers to invite users to adopt a role - Editors, Authors, Readers, etc · Issue #9658 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub

PKP Team

Hi @rcgillis

I need a clarification, I got activities in event log. :confused:
I actually login into OJS with my account, then from journal > users & roles i pick an author and I “login as” this user.

Now all actions are done by “author”.
If i make some activities into a submission or a review like an upload why in activity log they are listed and markes as done by me “the editor”, not the impersonated user?


Hi @parallel,

Thanks for explaining further. My sense is that OJS is not presently equipped to distinguish and attribute actions to the impersonated user just yet. And, this is part of what is hoped to be addressed with the forthcoming changes in OJS 3.5. @asmecher - would you say this is the case - or is there another explanation for this behavior?

PKP Team