To achieve this, I follow the example ‘Add Custom Fields’ (
And the steps to follow are:
- create a field ‘FieldTextarea’ with the same parameters as the field I want to replace and with a temporary name (addField funtion)
- Remove the original field (removeField function)
- Change the temporary name to the correct name
But it doesn´t work, every time I remove the field, the build.js can’t retrieve the form.
Bellow is the code I’m using
Thank you
// Capturamos el evento ‘Form::config::before’
// para hacer modify (add->remove) de aquellos campos ‘FieldRichTextarea’
// que necesitamos se pasen a FieldText
// en función de que formulario se trate se cambiarán las campos correspondientes
HookRegistry::register(‘Form::config::before’, array($this, ‘modifyFormFields’));
- Extiende forms to modify (add-remove)
public function modifyFormFields($hookName, $form) {
// Only modify the masthead form
if (!defined(‘FORM_MASTHEAD’) || $form->id !== FORM_MASTHEAD) {
// Don’t do anything at the site-wide level
$context = Application::getRequest()->getContext();
if (!$context) {
// Modifica el campo
// primero lo crea con un name temporal en la posición anterior al original
$form->addField(new \PKP\components\forms\FieldTextarea(‘description_temp’, [
‘label’ => __(‘manager.setup.contextSummary’),
‘isMultilingual’ => true,
‘groupId’ => ‘keyInfo’,
‘value’ => $context ? $context->getData(‘description’) : null,
]), [FIELD_POSITION_BEFORE, ‘description’]);
// segundo elimina el campo original
// tercero cambia el id al original