Hi everyone,
We’ve just updated our OJS installation from to and we’re enjoying a lot the new version. Despite it, our team have found some unexpected behaviors from system without any error log in php, so I don’t know if this issues are from our enviroment or any issue from new version.
Review workflow: this workflow has 4 steps, and the last one is a confirmation text. When a reviewer select his decision and click on save button, the system don’t go foward to the last step and stay spining round forever. No browse console error or php error was found. Despite it, the system records the decision and the emails are correctly trigged.
Filter text input: in SUBMISSIONS view, our editors are used to filter submissions by searching for other editors name (eg. journal editor looking for submissions attributed to a section editor). When this kind of search is done, the system returns only 2 results, even when those searched editor user has more submissions attributed to him.
Submission Publication tab: When I tried to update some data from ISSUE ITEM (publication tab, submission view), the system has returned a error message (on magenta box): “An unexpected error occurred. You may have been logged out. Please reload the page and try again”. Despite it, the changes were registered to the database. I’ve tried make some changes on other items from publication tab and had no problem with Title & Abstract, Metadata, References and Galley. Didn’t tested other items (contributors, identifiers and permissions).
Publication/Composition tab don’t load content: The content from submission view / publication tab / composition item isn’t loading (spining round forever) in a specific submission. System don’t return any error message, no browser console error and no php error log. I’m thinking that it can be any kind of database problem with this record but I don’t think that it is logical. Other submissions are working fine.
Upload files on Copyediting stage: When I try to upload a file on copyedition stage, the system returns “Failed Ajax Request of invalid JSON return”. No console error or php error. Until now, this is the unic upload function unsucessfull tested. I can upload files on a new submission, on review stage or on article galley.
As this version was released is recent, I hope this issues listed together in a unic post are helpful to the community.
In need of any extra info, I’m available to provide it.
@romuloblogbr team member
Hi @geniusdesign,
At least a couple of these look like they should correspond to PHP errors in the PHP error log. Can you double-check that you’re looking at the right log, and see if there are any errors appearing there?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I’ve requested full php error log and identifyed some recurrent erros:
[09-Jul-2020 00:47:59 America/Sao_Paulo] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught → Smarty Compiler: Syntax error in template “app:app:frontendpagessearchAuthor” on line 46 “{if (!$issueUnavailable || $publication->getData(‘accessStatus’) == $smarty.const.ARTICLE_ACCESS_OPEN}}” - Unexpected “}” ←
thrown in …/lib/pkp/lib/vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatecompilerbase.php on line 46
[09-Jul-2020 02:17:24 America/Sao_Paulo] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method Author::getLastName() in …/cache/t_compile/a67b91d98bb0cc147813cfe2e51c27159fbef411^c2055d14f27582f3361894f4184ce1a4c0497385_0.app.frontendpagessearchAuthor.php:65
Stack trace:
#0 …/lib/pkp/lib/vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/sysplugins/smarty_template_resource_base.php(123): content_5eff64f446bbe1_86594528()
#1 …/lib/pkp/lib/vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/sysplugins/smarty_template_compiled.php(114): Smarty_Template_Resource_Base->getRenderedTemplateCode()
#2 …/lib/pkp/lib/vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/sysplugins/smarty_internal_template.php(216): Smarty_Template_Compiled->render()
#3 …/lib/pkp/lib/vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatebase.php(232): Smarty_Internal_Template->render()
#4 …/cache/t_compile/a67b91d98bb0cc147813cfe2e51c27159fbef411^c2055d14f27582f3361894f4184ce1a4c0497385_0.app.frontendpagessearchAuthor.php on line 65
Hi @geniusdesign,
There is some code in your installation that definitely isn’t from OJS 3.2.1-1 – in particular templates/frontend/pages/searchAuthorDetails.tpl
(or its equivalent in the theme you’re using). Are you using a theme other than Default, which may need upgrading? Alternately, have you made customizations to the templates?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I created our own frontend template, but these errors are occurring in backend. Anyway, I’ll check the file templates/frontend/pages/searchAuthorDetails.tpl in my template and check if it solve.
Which listed problem this error can be related?
Hi @geniusdesign,
Which listed problem this error can be related?
None, off the top of my head – but clearing out your log will hopefully make it easier to identify other log entries related to the issues you’ve listed.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Ok, perfect. I’ll check it anyway.