I’m getting duplicate/triplicate article entries in each issue when uploading xml files to the native import export tool.
We are using ojs 3.2.03 but I have found this problem in earlier versions of ojs 3 as well.
I believe the problem comes into play when you start the upload and move off of the results tab.
I know it sounds a bit strange. But I have reproduced this a few times now.
import the file as normal and you will get the results tab.
Click to the import tab again before you get any data in the results tab. Then click the results tab again. Go back and forth a few times. I did this 5 times.
Wait for the results to come in and you will get duplicate issue warnings messages.
View the back/future issues. You will see the table of contents has duplicate issues. In my case up to 6 instances of the same article. (5 clicks between the tabs plus the initial upload = 6)
Not every article is repeated 6 times I think it just depends on where the system is in processing the data. Also note that I ran this on a journal that I newly created so there would be no existing submissions.
To avoid duplicates I simply just upload and wait on the results tab.
I haven’t yet determined if clicking to different windows (ie. opening the submissions window) would produce the same results.
I would just delete everything and start fresh. Don’t mess with trying to determine what was duplicated.
But if you really want to delete the submission you should be able to if your a journal manager or administrator and go into the dashboard click submissions, select the archives tab.
Click on the angle down arrow on the right side of the submission which will expand the submission and the delete button should be in there. If the delete button doesn’t exist there could be some permission problem. I’ve had problems where I had my admin account also in the ‘Author’ role and wasn’t able to delete. After removing myself from the author role I was then able to delete.
An alternative to deleting through the dashboard is to use the tools/deleteSubmissions.php command if you have command line access.
You will have created orphaned records that way and is not the recommended approach. I’m not sure what implications that will have but you could run into problems down the line.