Dear colleagues! Please help sort it out.
In New Release OJS 3.2.0 there is no Translator Plugin…
The plugin is not ready yet or will there be another way of translation?
If there is another way, then tell which … (except manual xml files translation).
Thank you very much in advance!
Hi @OSU,
Have a look at this:
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
see also here: OJS/OMP v3.2 Release Notebook - OJS/OMP
I was wondering how individual translations will be implemented in the future. A plugin with a form for customisation, storing the changes as overrides in the theme folder or in the database.
All the best
Hi @klausru,
Now that we’ve moved to the standard .po format for translations, we don’t plan to maintain the translation plugin any more. However, there is there custom locale plugin that individual journals can use to tweak language on a per-journal basis. You can find it on GitHub but we haven’t put it in the plugin gallery yet because it needs some UI/UX work first.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team