- Application Version - OJS 3.2.0-3
- Description of issue - After upgrading from OJS 3.1.2 to OJS 3.2.0-3 i noticed that i cant see the metadata of submissions anymore, before there was a button right next to Activity Log and Submission Library in which i could see these information. In the Activity Log there are entries saying the metadata was saved, but i can’t see them. When i try to edit the metadata in the publication tab, they system gives me a green popup saying that the metadata was saved.
- Screenshots:
Hi @luccasmmg,
A number of the metadata elements that were in OJS 3.1.2 were incorporated into the publication tab for 3.2.0-3.
Could you confirm what changes you’ve attempted to make for this particular manuscript?
Kind Regards,
Patricia M.
Public Knowledge Project Team
As you can see i tried to add a language in the Metadata tab, it gives me the green confirmation
Except that if i refresh the page, the metadata is not there anymore.
I can even see the changes in the history
I’m sorry if im not being clear, im not actually who uses the system(im just the sysadmin) the person who actually uses doesnt speak english, so im trying to translate her problem.
We have the same problem and I think the reason is you have to hit the enter key every time you change the metadata. Once you see the round border around the metadata, it is saved. But if you do not hit the enter key the value is not saved in the database. I think this is really an issue, because people will mostly forget to hit the enter key after entering only one word (like language), especially if the confirmation message says everything is alright.
Kind regards