[ojs] ORCID 400 Bad request: invalid JSON

Hi @dagosalas
I have made a commit to attempt the issue you are facing.
There were two reasons for the error in this case.

Plugin Bugs

  • There were null elements in the json object, which were rejected by API.
  • English language was set as default in a hard coded fasion.

I have sent a fix to that problem in to the master branch of the orcidProfile.

I have tested the functionalities locally with two languages (en_US, ca_ES). But I want to confirm it before releasing the plugin.

Can you please test this fix ?

If you are not a coder, here are the instructions to install it.

cd $MY_OJS_INSTALLATION/plugins/generic
rm -rf orcidProfile
git clone https://github.com/pkp/orcidProfile.git