Hola, estoy usando ORCID para empujar el registro de los artículos, pero cuando el articulo lo publico, en el log del orcid tengo este error: ERROR Unexpected status 400 response, body: {"response-code":400,"developer-message":"400 Bad request: invalid JSON - cvc-pattern-valid: Value '' is not facet-valid with respect to pattern '[\\s\\S]*[^\\s\\n\\r]+[\\s\\S]*' for type '#AnonType_translated-title'.","user-message":"Invalid JSON.","error-code":9047,"more-info":"https://members.orcid.org/api/resources/troubleshooting"}
Estoy dando vueltas y no encuentro la solución. Uso Php 7.3.18
Modificando es_ES por el código de tu primer idioma, es_MX?
Sería un valor duplicado, pero por probar si viene de ahí el problema.
Si es así y no es una revista multilenguaje, supongo que se puede quitar de la construcción del JSON, la clave/valor translated-title.
Si, fue lo primero que hice, e igual me manda valor NULL, también la hice totalmente Inglés y sigue dando valor NULL. Igual si revisas el json tampoco trae el nombre del journal. Quizás ese método no es correcto para obtener ese valor.
Hi @Dulip_Withanage, I opened this and @dagosalas suggested your fix can solve our problem.
We are using OJS 3.1.2-4, so we updated the plugin to 1.1.1-3: is your fix present in this version or not?
Best regards
Hi @Dulip_Withanage, thank you very much.
Does this version fix both bugs you mentioned here?
I think we are currently affected by both of them.
Best regards
Hi @Dulip_Withanage, the newest version solved our problems, thank you very much again.
I updated the italian locale (both xml files), how can I share them for including in the release?
Best regards,
We are having problems with the Orcid Plugin, authors are no longer able to authenticate their records in our journal, they receive the error message: “OJS was unable to communicate with the ORCID service. Please contact the journal manager indicating your name, ORCID iD, and details of your submission.”
can anybody help me?
It appears to be related to a server-side change at ORCiD; we’re talking with them to see if they can revert it. Meanwhile the linked issue has a work-around.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team