when I tried to install or upgrade OJS version
I use 2 methods of upgrading and installing, CLI and WebBase
we found a bug like this:
CLI Methode
Web Methode
After I did a little analysis, I found a way to fix this.
Here’s how to resolve the bug in the OJS:
download OJS then copy the following folder ojs3201/plugin/generic/citationStyleLanguage/lib
copy folder lib
I am curious as to how you downloaded 3.2.0-2. I just grabbed the tarball from the PKP website and can confirm that the citationStyleLanguage plugin contains the necessary vendor libraries.
There was an issue with those dependencies in the first copy of the .tar.gz file I uploaded; I rebuilt it with the missing dependencies and updated the tarball. If you download a fresh copy you’ll find them where they should be.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team