Since upgrading from version 3.1.2 to 3.2.0-2 I am receiving a Crossref XML validation error from the cron job setup for scheduled tasks. The error is for a missing DOI ([facet ‘minLength’]) for a single article; however, not only does this article have a DOI assigned, it has already been registered with Crossref. This is shown both on the the Crossref plugin article list, where the article is marked as Active, and in the fact that entering the DOI in a browser will take you to the article.
Where do I find a list of scheduled tasks? I have checked scheduledTasks.xml in the crossref plugin folder, but there doesn’t seem to be anything there. Where is runScheduledTasks getting the XML that it is sending to Crossref? Can I reset the tasks waiting to be run, or edit the XML it is sending?
Hi @galexioza,
The task list is loaded from the XML files in various situations and accumulates in the scheduled_tasks
database table.
Are you using the versioning feature of OJS 3.2.x, whereby multiple versions of an article can be created with the history tracked?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
As far as I’m aware this hasn’t been used, at least not intentionally. If it is, I can’t find another version of this particular submission anywhere in its settings.
From what I can see, the scheduled_tasks
table only has 8 entries relating to particular plugins, not the information itself. I’ve looked in scheduledTasks.xml in the crossers plugin folder, but there is nothing specific information on the submission itself.
I’m just trying to find where in a file or the database I can fill in the missing DOI or remove the submission from future crossers registrations so this can either process correctly or not be processed at all and I can stop getting constant cronjob error messages.
The submission is already registered with Crossref as the DOI is active and links directly to the PDF, so I’m really not sure why it is still trying to register it. I wonder if it is a conflict at Crossref’s end, but even if that’s the case, I should be able to tell OJS to stop trying.