Is there a specific task that triggers the emails with the SUBMISSION_UNSUITABLE task/tag?
After the last version update some of our journals that use this email template can’t seem to find it anymore and we can’t figure out what action they need to take in order to trigger it. Everything seems to be configured right (and it looks the same in our test site) so as far we know it’s not something they altered in their particular site.
Hi @Carolina_Tanigushi,
That email template doesn’t appear in the OJS 3.x codebase; I suspect it was held over when you upgraded from a previous release.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thank you for your reply!
Just one more question: Is it possible to have more than one email template per task?
Hi @Carolina_Tanigushi,
Can you describe what you have in mind in more detail?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Say, Pre-review discussions, a journal manager might use that to ask the author to adjust references or send figures in a separate file or something of the sort. There are requests that are made frequently, so it would make sense to have ready-made email templates for it. Is this doable?
Hi @Carolina_Tanigushi,
Gotcha. This is something that’s on our mid-term radar – so at the moment the templates are unfortunately fairly inflexible in the way you describe, but we do plan to revamp the email compose tools to include support for better user control over what template is used. (We’re working on our next public roadmaps at the moment and hope to publish something soon.)
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team