After upgrading from OJ 3.0.2 to OJS 3.1.0 I can’t translate missing labels for interface. Translator plugin isn’t working correctly, when I select missing translation from list and translate it I it say that every thing is ok, but after reopening missing translation, I get empty fields for translation. Plugin creates missing file but it doesn’t wright translation values in it.
The same case, waiting for the response from the masters
Hi all,
There’s a patch to correct this issue here. This will be included with the next OJS/OMP releases.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thank you for patch, it is working.
Hi @asmecher
I have the doubt of how apply the patch you mentioned. I have created a fork of pkp/ojs and pkp/lib repositories and I have the branch ojs-stable-3_1_0
and i have synchronized my 2 forks with their respective upstream repositories, but I dont have idea of how apply the patch, I hope you can help me?
Hi @juancure,
The patch in question is already included in ojs-stable-3_1_0
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher
I have synchronized my local ojs-stable-3_1_0 branch with the remote ojs-stable-3_1_0 branch, because my local branch wasn’t synchronized.
I have checked that the patch is included in my code and I noticed that the synchronization has brought the missing locale labels for English language that they aren’t previously. These labels are navigation.archives, navigation.about, navigation.dashboard, common.viewProfile, and navigation.submissions, well I have noticed them with a naked eye. Even though they are defined in the correct locale file, they are missing in the menu items yet.
please could you help me with this issue?
Juan Manuel Rodríguez Martínez (juancure)
Hi @juancure,
That doesn’t seem connected to the original issue in this topic. Could you post your question as a new topic, including as much detail as possible? That will help keep the forum organized.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team