I have been using LENS modified by @ajnyga with JatsParser by @Vitaliy.
In the html view (JATs XML rendered by eLens to html), I get “Reference” at the bottom of TOC with just the title “Reference” in Main text.
I think there should not be Reference at TOC and main text as there is a seperate pane for references.
Screenshot below:
I had the similar problem with @ajnyga’s modifications. Eventually, we refused from Lens Viewer plugin completely. We already have our JATS XML articles visualized as HTML, don’t see the need for duplication.
I am not sure if that is coming from the new lens version? I do not think that I made any changes related to that. I just added support for OJS images and a back button. The rest is coming from the actual lens library.
You could check GitHub - asmecher/lensGalley: Galley viewer plugin integrating eLife Lens for OJS 3.0 which is, to my knowledge, also updated to version 2.0. Do you see the same problem with that? Mine is using the dev version, because it supports footnotes, but I think that they merged dev to stable branch in summer. Maybe Alec is using that version.
Editing lens output is fairly complicated and like vitaliy above, I do not see much point in supporting it. Especially since 2.0 is not mobile friendly. In general this is a low priority issue for me because at the moment out of the 60 journals we have only one is using JATS XML.
Thanks @ajnyga,
I tried @asmecher’s lensGalley in my localhost but it is not loading my galley at all.
I will live with what I have.
And as per your and @Vitaliy’s advice, I will discuss in the editorial board and may gradually leave lensGalley at all.
Ok, I think that he is using the ready release from lens. They have a lot of filters that only apply to eLife articles. One of those filters reads the publisher info that is expected to be eLife (the whole filter is here lens/elife_converter.js at master · elifesciences/lens · GitHub) But of course you do not want to change the publisher in your JATS XML document.
Yes, because I have not added those features yet. I have very limited time, so if any one of you wants to add those features, then this would be a perfect thing.