I have submitted a new article and there are no options visible beside the new submission like Assign editor etc…
Please can anyone help me. I’m attaching the screenshot for the reference.
Thank you,
I have submitted a new article and there are no options visible beside the new submission like Assign editor etc…
Please can anyone help me. I’m attaching the screenshot for the reference.
Thank you,
Hi @SarahRose,
Could you confirm what version you are using and whether you have both author and Editor permission for this particular journal?
Kind Regards,
Patricia M.
Public Knowledge Project Intern
The current version we are using is 3.1.4
Yes I have both author and editor permission.
Even I have an administrator account.
Actually we have moved the journal from VPS server to shared hosting.
After that we are facing this issue. We are not facing any problem with previous articles.
The options are not visible only for new submitted articles.
Hi @SarahRose,
Are there any error messages on the journal or the back end?
Kind Regards,
Patricia Mangahis
Public Knowledge Project Intern
Hi @SarahRose
This has to do with the role you have when submitting the manuscript. If you have both an editor role and an author role in the system, you will be asked to select which role to submit the paper under:
“Submit in any of the following roles if you would like to be able to edit and publish this submission yourself: Journal manager,Editor”
(see screenshot)
In order to be able to work on the submission as an editor, you must select the editor role when you submit the paper. If you select the author role, you will only have author access which is probably what happened in your case. (that is why the options to assign participants is not visible)
Best wishes,
We can’t see any error messages on the journal.
@SarahRose - please see Emma’s (@OpenAcademia) response to your question.
I have made the submission as a Journal Manager with access to all the options. Still options are not visible for the new submission.
I cant figure out the issue. Please help me out.
Hi @SarahRose,
Do you mean that you submitted the article with an account that is a Journal Manager, or that you chose your role as Journal Manager when you submitted the article? See the “Submit As” options in the above screenshot.
OJS includes controls to allow the Journal Manager/editor to act as an author on submissions while still supporting a potentially double-blind peer review. That means restricting the author from having full control over the submission, e.g. viewing reviewer names etc., even if they are a Journal Manager or site administrator. This is by design.
If you want to create submissions as an Editor/Manager, but don’t need the full workflow available to you, you could try the QuickSubmit plugin. (This is typical for entering back-issues, for example.)
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team