Hi everyone I have noticed that when an author is making a submission, the submission acknowledgement email is not being sent to author. an appears the following message:

However the notification of new submision was sent to the journal gestor and editor, Why is the reason that the email is not being sent to the author?.
Reviewing my Apache/PHP log file this is the resulting message:
Invalid address: (From): root@localhost, referer:
Hi @juancure,
Are all authors having this issue or just one?
Kind Regards,
Patricia M.
Public Knowledge Project Intern
Hi @pmangahis
Yes for all the authors, when they try to send a submission, the system shows the notification above, and in my Apache/PHP log file the message:
Invalid address: (From): root@localhost, referer:
The editor told me that some emails for reviewers as the thankful email for accept the review of some submission is not being sent too.
Hi @juancure,
Have their been any changes to your journal site recently? As well, was your email configured as detailed in the Admin Guide?
Kind Regards,
Patricia M.
Public Knowledge Project Intern
Our journal in production is on OJS and the emails works good. For our development server I have installed OJS 3.1.2 for testing.
I have configured the SMTP settings for using a Gmail account. I am the user admin for the testing journal and all the mails in the editorial process are delivered to me. I guess that could be the modifications for this new versiĂłn.
Hi @juancure,
This message means the SMTP service is rejecting the message. Check your SMTP configuration to make sure it’s correct.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher thanks for your response.
Yes I have reviewed my SMTP configuration. I am using the Gmail SMTP service, I have created an no-personal account, only for practical uses, and I have enabled the option Access to apps less secure. The curious fact is that other kind of mails are sent, but I have noticed that is in the action when the author sends his submission, so appears the error message.
I tried to find where the error fires, and I guess that this could be in the following file classes/submission/form/SubmissionStep4Form.inc.php comparing the code of OJS 3.1.2 among OJS, there are changes, but I guess too that these changes don’t damage the functionality that’s why I think the error could be in other place.
Hi @juancure,
Hmm, tricky. If some messages get through but not others, it means that your SMTP configuration is OK, but the SMTP server doesn’t like the contents of the message for some reason. It could be a spam filter or almost anything else.
If I were trying to debug this, I’d work with lib/pkp/classes/mail/Mail.inc.php to capture the message that’s being sent, and write up a quick stand-alone test script to send the same message from outside OJS. Then tweak the message to look more like the ones that do get through until you determine what condition makes the difference.
If you had access to the SMTP server’s logs, it would presumably be captured there – but I don’t expect Gmail’s SMTP service to provide that access.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I understand @asmecher that this could be a bug. I only tested this OJS version with Gmail’s SMTP service, I don’t have access to the SMTP server’s logs. I will tested with other SMTP service as SendGrid or Sendblue to see if they have the same behaviour.
Our journal in production is on OJS with Gmail’s SMTP service, in this version all the emails work good however recently my chief editor told me something that noticed, when He send the editorial desicion to the author, the communication is established good, however in the delivered mail to the author the account in respond to is the account set in the SMTP configuration and no the editor’s mail, i.e if the author wants to respond to the editor about the editorial decision, through his mail client, he would be respond to the mail used as SMTP service and no to the editor’s mail directly. I know that this is other subject but my question is where I could find some about that?
Hello @juancure,
Take a look in this topic, Registration does not work OJS 3.1.1-4 - #19 by eiavrn
I switched force_dmarc_compliant_from, force_default_envelope_sender and allow_envelope_sender to “On” and uncomment.
Works fine to me, I hope can help you too…
Hi @cicerobcastro thanks a lot for your solution, I have enabled the options you mentioned and they helped me, there was not anymore error window when the user makes a submission on OJS 3.1.2.
However I would like to know more about these options, do you know where I can find more information about them?
Hey @juancure,
Happy to hear that!
You can know more about here: Email
Omg, I have read that page of documentation, but I have never modified the section about setting a bounce address, because in the previous OJS’s versions I only configured the system to use Gmail SMTP and works without make more settings.
Well I hope this could help any others with that confusion, now to test the OJS 3.1.2 completely, thanks a lot for your time @cicerobcastro
Best Regards.
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@cicerobcastro, this help me a lot! It work very well on ojs 3.2.1. thaks a lot.