I would like to adjust the OJS so that it automatically puts on the article page, the date of acceptance of the article (the date on which the editorial decision to accept the article). I use version 3.1.2 of OJS.
If possible I would like a more didactic and clear explanation of what I could do, since I am not aware of programming.
I tried to install the plugin available at GitHub - ajnyga/dates, but activating it occurs “HTTP ERROR 500”.
What I was able to do was put the submission date.
In the file: templates> frontend> objects> article.details.tpl I put in line 254:
{if $article->getDateSubmitted()} coloquei na linha 254:
<div class="item published">
<div class="label">
{translate key="submissions.submitted.date"}
<div class="value">
Already in the file: classes> article> article.inc.php I put:
function getFormattedDateSubmitted() {
return date(‘j F Y’, strtotime($this->getDateSubmitted()));
}function getFormattedDatePublished() {
return date(‘j F Y’, strtotime($this->getDatePublished()));
However, I still have not figured out how to put the date of acceptance of the article, this seems to be more complex. If anyone knows, it would be great!
I wanted to appear just above the “Published” in the right corner.