there is some possibility to add the Korean language version for ojs
I was on the page below, but the downloads files are different from what I have on the server
Open Journal Systems - koreański (ko_KR) @ Weblate (sfu.ca)
Regards, Paweł
Hello @Pawel2020,
You may wish to upgrade to OJS 3.2 in order to take advantage of new translations, as the new OJS translation systems uses .po files in 3.2 , rather than .XML files (used in versions prior to OJS 3.2). Upgrading and then adding the locale with the new translation is likely the best way to go.
Best regards,
Thank you very much for the information.
Tell me if it is better to upgrade via 3.2.0 next 3.2.0-1 or you can go directly to 3.2.1-2?
Regards, Paweł
Hi @Pawel2020,
You should be able to go directly to 3.2.1-2.
Best regards,